
  • Road surface problem Đã lưu trữ
    214 Worcester St North Grafton, MA, 01536, USA - Grafton
    There's a large rectangular section of the road, presumably some sort of underground repair, which covers most of the main travel lane. It has compacted and sunk quite deeply. and must be at least a 2 inch deep drop into and out of the hole. This needs to be topped off with asphalt before it sinks any further.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    7 Wesson St North Grafton, MA, 01536, USA - Grafton
    Deep pothole at the side of the road - difficult to tell how deep due to the water.
  • 47 East St North Grafton, MA, 01536, USA - Grafton
    there is a large tree branch hanging over the road and which poses a hazard to traffic if it falls.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    104-198 Institute Rd North Grafton, MA, 01536, USA - Grafton
    The road surface is collapsing at the intersection - seems to be an old pipe trench which is subsiding. This is in pretty bad shape and needs attention. Water collects here and freezes and makes the intersection treacherous.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    44 East St North Grafton 01536 United States - Grafton
    Road surface has collapsed
  • 14r Apple Ridge Lane Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    There are a number of spots on Apple Ridge where the road surface has broken up leaving 2-3 inch deep holes as well as a couple of areas where the whole edge of the road has crumbled away. Also the section at the downhill end of Apple Ridge is in terrible shape with large holes and a huge mess of loose gravel. Could we get these fixed before winter comes and breaks the road up further? The surface is dangerous for walkers especially. Note this photo is only one example - there are lots that need fixing.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    80 East Street Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    there are several deep holes at the edge of the road where the ground has been washed out by the rains - these holes are deep and risk undermining the road surface. Please patch and check further down East Street on the same side of the road for others. Why are there no storm drain grates on this section of road??
  • Storm Drain Grating Đã lưu trữ
    48-50 East Street Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    The storm drain grating needs to be lifted and reseated - it is now a good 4-6 inches below the road surface.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    1-5 Grafton Common Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    The road repair done after fixing a gas leak during the winter has subsided badly with two deep dips in the road surface.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    226-232 Westboro Road Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    This is actually a trench that was cut across the road last year, and the fill level has subsided significantly and needs attention.
  • Drainage/Flooding Issue Đã lưu trữ
    100-120 Snow Road Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    This problem was reported originally on Issue 1683730 from June 2015 and again on 2/8/2017 on Issue ID: 3196358 but has never been fixed. The problem is caused because the sewer grating is set far too high above the road surface so all the water collects around it. One lane now has a large area of standing water which will freeze come the next overnight hard freeze. Please give this problem the attention it deserves!!!
  • Tree for removal Đã lưu trữ
    14r Apple Ridge Lane Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    This tree is hollow with the center rotted out and needs to be removed before it comes down on power lines in a storm. It has a red tag nailed to it so might have been marked by NGrid for removal and then missed somehow.
  • Illegal Dumping Đã lưu trữ
    63-99 Institute Road Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    several TVs dumped at the side of Institute Road.
  • Illegal Dumping Đã lưu trữ
    25-29 East St North Grafton, MA 01536, USA - Grafton
    Three tvs left at the side of the road
  • Drainage/Flooding Issue Đã lưu trữ
    100-120 Snow Road Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    See Issue 1683730 from June 2015 - this problem was never fixed and is still causing large puddles of standing water because the storm drain grating is raised above the road surface preventing proper drainage. In winter this causes dangerous icing at the intersection, and in summer it's a risk for mosquitoes. This really needs to get fixed this year!
  • 100-120 Snow Road Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    Sign post is bent over to the ground.
  • 68 East St North Grafton, MA 01536, USA - Grafton
    If Harvey's decides to change the pickup schedule we need to get at least 24 hours advanced warning. They have been picking up on East Street very late in the day, sometimes very late in the evening, for a year or more. Today the recycling truck arrives at 8:30 am!! Yes, I know the policy is at the curbside by 7 am but realistically a little advanced notice would be sensible with a schedule change like this.
  • Obstruction Đã lưu trữ
    59 East St North Grafton, MA 01536, USA - Grafton
    NGrid has been cutting trees on East Street and left this one too close to the edge of the travel Lane. Traffic had to swerve around it and it needs to be removed or pushed back out of the way.
  • Pothole Đã lưu trữ
    35 Grafton Common Grafton Massachusetts - Grafton
    The road surface in the parking spaces on the library side of the common is badly deteriorated and crumbling. There are several holes, some around metal covers, and this area badly needs to be repaired. it has been like this for several years but has got much worse this year. This is not just an issue of appearance - it's unsafe to walk on, particularly for the elderly.
  • 23 East Street Grafton, Massachusetts - Grafton
    Tree has fallen partially across the street by Hayes bridge - it's unstable and may fall further, also it's pulling on a wire.