carol whelton

  • Sidewalk Repair Archivado
    21 Nursery St Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Sidewalk is right at my back steps. I walk with a cane and a walker and have trouble walking here. It is much worse in the winter. I called city hall a while ago but did not think to tell them I was handicapped. I find myself worrying about winter coming.
  • 21 Nursery Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    At the intersection of Appleton st and Liberty Hill Ave, coming from Nursery st, there is a stop sign on the rt at the corner of the intersection. This sign (on a pole) is totally blocked by a red maple tree on the property of the house on that corner. I have seen people drive right thru onto Lib.Hill Ave. I have been in a car as a passenger and warned the driver about the sign, as we approached . We went right thru it. .It is not visible until you are next to it. I contacted someone in a city dept a few years ago about this. In the past year or 2, streets were painted at intersections right on the street but this intersection was passed over. I am surprised that there hasn`t been an accident here. I hope you can help.
    Thank you