Irina Gorbunova

  • Dead Animal Archivado
    9009 Byron Ave Surfside, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    Remains of a dead animal on asfalt in front of 9009 Byron Ave. Smells terribly 200 feet around...
  • Beach Issue Archivado
    9011 Collins Ave Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    There is still no bench next to the beach shower to put bags and clothes while showering. We expected that the bench from the walking pass would be moved here, as promised. But they brought a different one (which is not very suitable, because accumulates dirt, sand and water) and dropped it 15 feet away from the shower. Therefor, it cannot help.
    Can you please, at least, move it another 12 feet closer? Thanks a lot!
  • 9017 Harding Ave Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    Blind intersection. It is not safe to cross Harding Ave on 90th street westward. A traffic light needs to be there more than on 91st street.
  • Beach Issue Archivado
    101-199 90th St Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    The beach shower was moved 25 feet away from the street, thanks! Not far enough, but we were told it's temporary. However, there is absolutely no place to put a towel or clothes while taking shower. Is it possible to move the bench from the walking pass to the shower?
  • 90th St & Harding Ave Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    Trees on the empty lot block visibility for people to cross Harding Ave on 90 street to the West. It's dangerous.
  • Surfside Beach 90th St, Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    The feet rinsing tap has been broken for a long time at 90 street and Four Seasons. But this morning the beach shower is not working at all. Water is shut off completely. Easter special?
  • Surfside Public Library 9301 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL, 33154, USA - Surfside
    Community Center is in filthy. It's a shame for our beach town. Look at public restrooms. In the exercise room dust is hanging down from the ceiling, airducts and grids are dirty and, apparently, air filters were not changed for a long time. I told this to Community Center employees a week ago, they said the leadership was aware. But nothing changed.
  • 269 93 Street Surfside, FL - Surfside
    Why the Town Hall parking lot is closed today? What happened?
  • 8750 Collins Avenue Surfside, Florida - Surfside
    An orange traffic cone is left in the middle of pedestrian way between Harding and Collins next to Surfside Tennis Center. It's been standing there over the weekend. Last night I hit my tow at it pretty badly.
    Also, there is garbage and overgrown grass around the Tennis Center.
  • 9301 Collins Avenue Surfside, Florida - Surfside
    The exercise room floor is DIRTY and DANGEROUS. There is a piece of linoleum in the middle which is awaiting a liability case. Seniors in Zumba class may trip over uneven edges and fall down breaking their bones. People complained for over 10 years, but nothing has changed.
  • Beach Issue Archivado
    Atlantic Way Surfside, Florida - Surfside
    The bench next to the beach shower on 88th street was destroyed by a truck over a week ago. It still has not been replaced!
  • 8701-8799 Froude Avenue Surfside Florida - Surfside
    Looks like drainage system doesn't work in town.
  • 92nd Street Surfside, Florida - Surfside
    PAC Comm, Inc, the Town's seawall contractor worked at the drainage facility on 92nd street, invaded our territory, destroyed a piece of our seawall and left construction garbage at the bottom of the bay in front of our property as well as in front of the town's one.
  • 919 92nd Street Surfside, Florida - Surfside
    The last bill for account 4956-5855 shows that 1 Tgallon of water was used. That means that the meter must be leaking. Please fix it.
  • 1 90th Street Surfside, Florida - Surfside
    Next to Four Seasons there is a Shower/Foot Rinse water pole. The foot rinsing tap is not working. People use shower to rinse their feet. This way is wasting more water.