
  • Traffic/Road Safety Đã lưu trữ
    Edwards And Nicoll St - Bishop-Hine
    It is very difficult to safely turn at this intersection from Nicoll onto Edwards, especially to turn left, because the sight lines are terrible. Even when cars are parked properly, it's hard to see oncoming traffic - and when cars are parked illegally (common) or far from curb due to snow, the problem is worse. Not sure what the solution is because I'm sure on street parking availability is a problem for neighbors, but something should be done.
  • 87-133 Willow St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock
    Traffic signal needed at this intersection. Traffic backs up across this intersection on willow from cars trying to get on 91. It's difficult to cross willow on nicoll when this happens, as well as other times when visibility is low and cars speed down willow. There have also been multiple accidents at this intersection. The entrances to the gas station make things even more complicated. Now with the new gym there will be more traffic, too. Basically, a light would make things better here.
  • Trumbull And Orange New Haven, Connecticut - New Haven

    Morning rushhour drivers exiting the I-91 freeway here often turn right on red during the walk cycle, generally without looking to see if there are pedestrians crossing either Orange or Trumbull. They only slow down to see if there is oncoming vehicular traffic from the left. Please increase enforcement at this very heavily used pedestrian crossing - or forbid turning right on red here.

    (It would be wonderful if a major highway didn't exit directly into a residential, pedestrian neighborhood - but I fear we are stuck with that problem.)

  • Pedestrian Signal Đã lưu trữ
    Orange And Humphrey New Haven, Connecticut - SOHU
    When you press the button for the pedestrian signal, it does not trigger a walk cycle until at least two full traffic cycles have gone, which is a long time. The walk cycle should appear more quickly, at least after the completion of the current cycle and the next cycle (rather than waiting two full cycles).
  • 118-146 Church Street New Haven, Connecticut - Town_Green
    Bike racks needed in the Federal Plaza.
  • Private Property Issue Đã lưu trữ
    197 Foster Street New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock
    Overgrown bushes and weeds on Foster St blocking sidewalk.
  • Private Property Issue Đã lưu trữ
    199 Foster Street New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock
    I've lived in this neighborhood for 2 years and this property has only gotten worse and worse. Weedy, trash covered, graffitied, and poorly boarded up abandoned buildings. What's more is that occasionally someone holds an antique sale in half of the old factory - so why don't they take responsibility for the rest of the lot? (and no, I'm not going to go confront them about it. It is the city's job to enforce the anti-blight ordinance, not mine. )
  • No Parking Sign fell Đã lưu trữ
    295 Nicoll St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    No Parking Sign fell over - and is very faded. Please replace.
  • missing a package? Đã lưu trữ
    37 Canner St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock

    I found an empty cardboard box from Williams Sonoma addressed to someone at 37 Canner in my trash toter this morning...and I live a good two blocks from that address. Seemed a little suspicious so I thought I'd post in case someone is waiting for a package.

    If this wasn't stolen off your porch, and you actually decided to open your package while walking by my home for some reason, next time put the cardboard in the recycling :)

  • Mitchell Dr New Haven, CT - East Rock
    Notice on a walk the other day there are no posted speed limit signs from the beginning of Mitchell Dr (at the intersection with Willow St) until at least Anderson Street. Gives even more license for folks to speed when coming from or going to the highway.