
  • 3935 Waldenwood Dr Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Vegetation (in most cases invasive species growing wild) is growing in the right-of-way. Once the leaves form it creates a dangeous condition. Children cannot be seen in the weeds and pedestrians and cylists are forced to ride a few feet from the curb. The neighborhood was designed without sidewalks in most places, thus people are forces to use the paths and the roadway. Please resolve this issue so the area is in compliance with the city ordinance. The complaint area is from the eastern intersection of Waldenwood and Penberton to the western intersection of Waldenwood and Penberton. More detail will be posted in the comments, including photos of the overgrown weeds last summer. This is a chronic condition.
  • 3720 Washtenaw Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    Tree and branches over sidewalk. Blocks view of pedestrians when leaves grow.
  • Catherine St & Glen Ave Ann Arbor, MI, 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    Lights are out on three corners and the fourth light is flickering. Older tickets indicate this is a chronic issue. Construction in the area makes it very dangerous at night. The sidewalk is closed and people walk in the street.
  • Crosswalks Arquivado
    W- Fifth Ave. South Of Ann Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    huge pothole in crosswalk
  • Green Rd Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    This is a duplicate of a ticket submitted on Dec. 25, 2023. "Appears to be a crash site from months ago. Given that someone removed the pole and wrapped caution tape around the base, was a replacement pole/light ordered? No pole so no number to report."
  • Earhart Rd & Ridgmaar Square Dr Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Please add the crosswalks in the medians on Earhart Rd to the city snow plow list.
  • Green Rd Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Appears to be a crash site from months ago. Given that someone removed the pole and wrapped caution tape around the base, was a replacement pole/light ordered? No pole so no number to report.
  • Streetlight repair Reconhecido
    E Medical Center Dr Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA - Ann Arbor
    The illumination is not adequate at the intersection of Fuller Rd. and E. Medical Center Dr. The lack of LED positive contrast lighting at these crosswalks leaves many UM students and staff crossing in either dark or dangerous back-shadowed conditions. This is a dangerous, extremely active area after dark. Please upgrade.
    The City ignored previous requests for improved illumination while focused on the details of the bridge. Please prioritize the greatest threat to pedestrian safety in the area now before the bridge reconstruction. Thank you.
  • Crosswalks Reconhecido
    3800 Waldenwood Dr Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor

    Please immediately restore sight distance, paint crosswalks markings and correct the signage issues, then address the remaining deficiencies.

    These four King School midblock crosswalks on Waldenwood Drive and Pemberton Drive are not marked (on-street paint), some signs are not visible, others are improperly located, and the signage is not consistent. Overgrown brush in the public right of way impedes visibility, the curbs do not have ADA ramps, and the older incandescent globe lights do not provide adequate illumination.

    The crosswalks do not comply with the Ann Arbor Crosswalk Design Guidelines, the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, nor engineering (and common sense) sight distance requirements.

    The neighborhood has some sidewalks, but not in this area; it was designed with public walkways (on public right of ways) along residential property lines. These walkways run to the King School property on the north and St Paul’s School to the south.

  • Crosswalks Reconhecido
    3955 Waldenwood Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    School crosswalks and intersections are overgrown with vegetation at/over the curb. This is vegetation in the public right of way that is higher than school children. Today, I saw two teachers with over 20 students using the Waldenwood and Penberton crosswalks to St. Paul School.
    In a 1998 letter, the city administrator stated that he would enforce the ordinance and maintain appropriate visibility in the King School neighborhood, yet this remains a chronic problem, endangering students and adults.
    This creates unacceptable liability for the city, given that the city is aware of the dangerous conditions. With the construction of Earhart, more people will be using these crosswalks to access St. Paul School. Please address immediately. Thank you
  • `Other issue Arquivado
    Glazier Way + Earhart Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Conflicting signs at the corner of Glacier Way and Earhart Road thus many cars are turning the wrong way from Glacier Way onto Earhart. Also, the reverse side of school crosswalk signs are visible to vehicular traffic. Pls post the crosswalk signs to FACE oncoming vehicular traffic.
  • `Other issue Arquivado
    4 N 7th St Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA - Ann Arbor
    Left turn "paint" is still visible and creates confusion given that the new sign prohibits left turns. This problem was documented in 2022, but the City did not address the problem nor update the ticket. Please grind off paint and establish an evaluation phase on street construction projects consistent with Vision Zero to avoid these dangerous conditions.
  • Odor Complaint Arquivado
    1499 Stark Strasse Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Washtenaw County
    Strong sewer odor. This is a duplicate of ticket # 14304495 entered under the "Other Issue" category. This problem was resolved after 20 years of sewer odors related to the Scio Township "line." I am repeating it here to ensure the proper department is informed in a timely manner. Thanks
  • Crosswalks Arquivado
    2238 Fuller Ct Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Midblock crosswalk, road painted but no signs. Chronic problem.
  • `Other issue Arquivado
    315 Detroit St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    WRONG SIGN The lane ends and traffic must merge.
  • Streetlight repair Reconhecido
    3001 Plymouth Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Numerous lights are out from Beal to Green Road on the south side of Plymouth Road. Not all lights are out, but many circuits appear to be faulty.
  • Streetlight repair Reconhecido
    2997 Fuller Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Lights are out at Huron school crosswalk on Fuller. This is the site of a fatal crash. Numerous lights are out in the area, including Huron Parkway Bridge, about six lights south of the bridge and one light at the Huon Parkway school crosswalk.
  • Huron Pkwy Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    All lights out on the bridge.
  • 3500 Fox Hunt Dr Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    Two streetlights are out on the south side of Fox Hunt Drive. The one at the corner with Green Rd and the next one to the east.
  • 1725 Green Rd Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, USA - Ann Arbor
    At least seven streetlights are out on the east side of Green Rd from the third light north of Hubbard. (The first two lights are on.) This includes the midblock crosswalk heavily used by students near Greenbrier Apts, Green Baxter apts. and Green Bsxter park. Other acknowledged tickets for this area date back to mid-2022.