Anne Wheeler

  • 100 23rd Ave Ne Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33704 - Historic Old Northeast
    This historic home Grenada Terrace is near mine. Canopy Builders has bought it and placed a sign in the yard. It has been vacant since January. Can you request that Canopy maintain the property while they wait for demolition?
    Thank you
  • 101 23rd Avenue North Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Old Northeast
    The shrub on the easement on the 1st Street side of this home blocks visibility to see on-coming traffic when driving Eastbound on 23rd Avenue North at 1st Street. While sitting at the stop sign you cannot see the northbound traffic on 1st Street North and it makes pulling out very dangerous. Please remove or cut way back!
    Thank you
  • LOUD DOG Arquivada
    101 22nd Avenue North Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Old Northeast
    Dog barks VERY LOUDLY all day. It is starting now at 5:20am and going on late into the night.
    Please keep me anonymous but this is becoming a nusiance and disruptive to my family's sleep (and we are dog lovers)
  • Dog barking Arquivada
    101 22nd Avenue North Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Old Northeast
    Residents allow their dog to bark outside very loudly before the sun comes up, off and on ALL day long and late into the night.
    Not very courteous for those of us trying to get sleep.