
  • 2831 Harrison St Oakland CA 94611, United States - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Truck parked in bus stop all weekend--please topen
  • 52 Hamilton Pl Oakland CA 94612, United States - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Curb at bus stop was replaced as part of recent MCI underground work but contractor did not repaint it red, so now people are parking in the bus stop. Please repaint red. Note that this is on Harrison at Hamilton-SeeClickFix won't accept that address.-
  • 2901 Harrison Street Oakland, California - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Please move or add "no trucks" signage on Harrison at 29th to indicate to drivers that there is a truck ban on 29th and large trucks cannot turn right onto 29th. The current sign on 29th is not visible until drivers have turned onto 29th, when it is too late for a truck to back up. (See current Google Street View.) A "no right turn for trucks" sign on Harrison would be ideal.
  • 62 Santa Clara Avenue Oakland, California - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Crashed/undriveable car has been abandoned here for a number of days and is now tagged with a great deal of graffiti. Please tow.
  • 3801 Martin Luther King Junior Way Oakland, California - Longfellow
    Traffic sensor on MLK going northbound is not picking up cars in the left-turn lane (turning onto W MacArthur). The light does not turn green for turning northbound traffic if there is a car in the left-turn lane but not in the thru lanes--the light cycle just continues with traffic in the other three directions given greens. I assume this is related to the recent paving work, but until it is fixed, please reprogram this light to give a green in all directions each cycle. It is very frustrating at night.
  • Other: Trees La Kaydiiyey
    227 29th Street Oakland, California - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Trunk of City tree cracked after the recent storm and is now leaning over the sidewalk precariously. Tree needs to be removed. (The other half of the tree split several years ago and collapsed.)
  • Illegal Dumping La Kaydiiyey
    216 Oakland Avenue Oakland, California - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Huge amount of trash dumped on the sidewalk at the bus stop on Oakland Avenue. It's been there for at least two days.
  • 2921-2927 Harrison Street Oakland, California - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Harrison Street was recently resurfaced at great expense and after a long wait. Last month, a utility company dug a trench in the newly paved street and then patched it very poorly so that there is now a large dip. The condition is worse than it was prior to repaving. I assumed they would be coming back to repair this but several weeks have now passed with no new activity, so it seems they consider it finished. This stretch of Harrison should be subject to the Five-Year Moratorium requiring utility companies to fully restore the streets to City standards when they dig trenches, given the very recent paving contract for the street. Please ensure that the utility company repairs the road properly, as it will be many decades before this street is up for repaving again.
  • Hamilton Place And Harrison St Oakland, CA - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    This intersection still lacks curb ramps, although they have supposedly been pending for four years. We were hopeful that with the big wave of curb ramp construction in Adams Point this summer, it would finally be addressed...but nope. Skipped again. There is a crosswalk here with no curb cut access, within a few feet of a middle school, next to a bus stop, and 1-2 blocks from several large senior housing developments. Can someone at the City provide an update on what is taking so long, given that this intersection has been on the list for many years and seems to meet the priority criteria?
  • 209 29th Street Oakland, CA - Oakland Ave-Harrison St
    Boxes are continually tagged; calls to AT&T get little response, although techs are out working in these boxes regularly. Residents of street are willing to repaint if granted permission, but thus far AT&T has declined. Needs a long-term fix! Still an unresolved problem as of Summer 2013. AT&T has been contacted repeatedly since installation of second box five years ago.