
  • Port-A-Potty Đã lưu trữ
    6900 Lyndale Ave Richfield, MN - Richfield
    Who's responsible for the port a potty behind the barthalomew house off 69th and lyndale. In the back of the parking lot in between the house and the baseball field. It is so disgusting. Says it hasn't been serviced since 10/26!! These are public Heath hazards sitting here like this!!
  • 6300 Portland Richfield, MN - Richfield
    Seems like the only time this gets serviced is when someone complains. The tank is completely full with a fresh layer of human excrement right on top for all the kids to enjoy while playing at such a beautiful new park. I hope this gets serviced IMMEDIATELY and some sort of plan put in place to get these serviced at regular intervals. There is no other bathroom to use when the mini golf isn't open so this is necessary and in my eyes, critical.
  • Other Đã lưu trữ
    6400 Portland Ave richfield, Minnesota - Richfield
    The Porta potty near the new veterans park playground is absolutely disgusting. Almost completely full of human waste. Doesn't appear like it's been serviced at all since the park opened. Could be a potential health hazard.
  • Clean Up Đã lưu trữ
    6625 4th Ave S richfield, Minnesota - Richfield
    storm debris on both sides of 4th avenue between 66th and 67th