
  • 172 Maxwell Ave Geneva, NY, 14456, USA - Geneva
    The sidewalk at 172 Maxwell Ave (Maxwell st side, not Castle St side) has a lot of broken glass shattered all over the sidewalk and in the grass. This property is vacant and it has been like this for several weeks but the snow has melted so it’s visible again. Since this sidewalk is heavily traveled it will cause someone or someone’s pet serious injury. Thank you.
  • Garbage heap Archivado
    134 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva
    I believe the people who lived at this property moved out and for two weeks there has been a pile of boxes, plastic bag, and styrofoam sitting on the curb . It looks awful and since it's not in a receptacle it is starting to blow around the neighborhood. thank you.
  • Trash Overload Archivado
    130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva
    Same ongoing issue - this property's garbage can has been at the curb for two weeks and is overflowing with additional garbage all over the ground. Thank you in advance.
  • 130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva
    Hi there, again the renter's at this property have had the garbage can out since last Friday's garbage day and it is overflowing with garbage scattered on the ground.This is absurd and looks awful! Thank you again.
  • 130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva
    I'm not sure why these tenants refuse to remove their trash can but it has been out since Friday of last week and it is overflowing and it looks awful again. Pick up isn't until Friday... Many thanks again...
  • Garbage at Curb Archivado
    130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva

    This duplex hasn't removed their garbage can from the curb for well over a week.


  • 130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva

    I would like to report that for the past 2-3 weeks the garbage bin has been at the curb again and it was not picked up last week so it is now overflowing with garbage and bags are sitting on the ground for animals to tear into. It looks absolutely awful.

    Thank you.

  • 130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva
    Hi there,
    Since I reported an issue with garbage on the curb earlier this month with this rental property (green duplex), it looked great for about two days. Then they were put back out and have remained on the curb for about a week and a half at this point. It continues to be very unsightly to this already distressed property. Thanks again.
  • Garbage Archivado
    136 High St 132-134 High St, 133 High St, Geneva, New York - Geneva
    For over a solid month now both 136 High St (White single family house on North side of street next to vacant brick store) and 132-134 High St (Green duplex) have not removed their garbage bins from the curb plus 132-134's bins have been overflowing with garbage for the past two weeks... probably didn't pay the bill. It is so incredibly unsightly and embarrassing to live in this area of Geneva. Across the street at 133 High St (white multi-family property next to Brick apartment building) they've had multiple black garbage bags sitting on the curb for a few weeks too. Not sure what is going on but this is too much of a garbage eyesore! Thanks for any help you can provide to get this area cleaned up!
  • 130-132 High St. Geneva, New York - Geneva
    I reported this issue several weeks ago and although a notice from the City was sent to the landlord and/or tenants of this rental property, the garbage can was only removed from the curb for a few days and has since been sitting out at the curb for weeks. It is such an eyesore and makes this already blighted house and neighborhood appear even worse... If there is a better way to report this type of issue, please let me know as I believe these landlords and tenants do not care and I will be reporting again soon. Thank you
  • 130-132 High St Geneva, New York - Geneva
    The green, two-family rental property has not been mowed all year and the garbage can has remained at the curb for well over two weeks. This property is a nonstop eyesore.
  • 130-132 High St Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Ontario County
    The green two-family rental is an absolute mess and eyesore for the entire neighborhood,. They have not cut their lawn at all this year and it is overgrown at this point. In addition, their garbage can has remained at the curb for well over a week. This property has had ongoing issues for years... we would appreciate any type of assistance on getting this place cleaned up! Thank you!
  • 136 High St Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    The green duplex at 130-132 High St. Has more furniture at the curb and it looks absolutely horrible. Thanks again for your assistance...
  • Trash dumping Archivado
    30 Brook St Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    Someone dumped a couple of bags of their household trash next to the blue trash bin at the Brook St tennis courts. Unfortunately I do not live closer otherwise I would pick it up because animals are starting to get into it. Thanks for your help.
  • 26 Brook St Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    I just noticed that the book station which was recently installed next to the Brook St tennis courts unfortunately had the plexiglass window broken into pieces.
  • Mowing Archivado
    77 High Street Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    The grass at this rental on the corner of High and Grove desperately needs to be mowed. Thanks!
  • TV's at curb Archivado
    130-132 High St Geneva Ny - Geneva
    For a week or so, two TV's have been sitting on the curb through all the rain and snow and don't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. Thanks for your help!
  • 130-132 High Street Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    This house (green, 2-family residence) has left their blue garbage bin out on the curb for several months now, approx. since at least October. Thank you
  • 86 Grove Street Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    There are several bags of garbage on the lawn again at this rental property which appears to be owned by Ahm holdings Inc of 39 Niagara St. In Canandaigua. Animals are chewing through and scattering the garbage all over. Thanks for your help!
  • 130-132 High St. Geneva, NY 14456, USA - Geneva
    Unfortunately this property has the same issue again from when I reported it last week. Garbage has been at the curb all week again and is overflowing onto the yard and into the street. The actual bins have not been removed for over three weeks now even after the garbage was removed by the private contractor last week. Thanks again for all of your help.