Ken Odom

  • 4001 Dunwoody Trace Atlanta, Georgia - Dunwoody
    No drain on the south side of Old Spring House lane, so there is no where for the water to go.
  • 1455 Lincoln Parkway East Atlanta, Georgia - Dunwoody
    Now that the City of Dunwoody was given the land for a park behind the Arcadia town homes and the side walk and landscaping has been completed, who is maintaining both sides of the park? From the picture below you can see that it is not maintained and now the weeds are killing the shrubs that were planted. On the Georgetown trail side (Other side of the creek) the city should be routinely cutting the grass.
  • 1776 Old Spring House Lane Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    The new side walk that was put in a while back including the new drain underneath, has never worked properly and is constantly blocked. Which makes water build on Chamblee Dunwoody Road and it does not go anywhere for a while. Needs to be cleaned out and determined if changes are needed to drain.
  • 1721-1799 Rochelle Drive Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    A Car hit the stop sign at the intersection of Rochelle Dr and Old Spring House Lane. The pole is damaged and will need a new one to be installed.
  • Other 已存档
    4301-4333 Old Georgetown Trail Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody

    Yes, it is a DOT issue, but we need Dunwoody to assist with this going forward. I thought last time DOT was suppose to monitor this. If we can write speeding tickets on 285, then we should be able to take care of the litter as well.

    Sec. 24-154. Prohibition against littering in public or private property or waters.

    There is only a guard rail between 285 outer loop and Nancy creek, which results in litter falling into Nancy Creek. The inner loop side has a sound wall which prevents it from entering the creek.

  • Other 已存档
    1694 Old Spring House Lane Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    A rotten pine tree has falling and leaning towards the road. It is being held up by another tree that is not dead. Dangereous for people walking by, luckily other tree is holding it up, or it would have taken out the power lines to the Georgetown Neighborhood.
  • 4301-4333 Old Georgetown Trail Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    Pipe going underneath the road is clogged and no water will pass through. Causing drain water to spill over.
  • 4301 Old Georgetown Trail Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody

    DOT Cut down trees to put up a sign and they did not remove the trees, they dropped them in a culvert which has created a dam and sends water over into GRC parking lot and collecting trash.

    Why did they not have to get a permit for the new sign?