
  • Pothole تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    8300-8360 Guilford Rd Columbia, MD, 21046, USA - Columbia
    There is a large section of the west/north-bound right-most lane of Guilford leading to the T at Old Columbia that has been getting torn up over the past few seasons. It's definitely bigger than a pothole, and has also suffered from rutting from buses or large vehicles and soft ground/pavement which led to potholes and large swaths of carved out road.
  • Tree Concern تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    6815 Grimes Golden Court Columbia, Maryland - Columbia
    This tree has been dying for years, but only within the past year or so has been losing huge sections of the main branch/trunk during large storms or high winds. It is otherwise completely dead, but isn't on our "property" I'm told, so I "couldn't" have it removed.
  • Sewer or Water Issue تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    7367 Old Columbia Road Columbia, Maryland - Columbia
    The water line feeding the fire hydrant near the southernmost driveway to Preston Country Club appears to have an underground leak. It is always wet, even in dry weather, and is feeding the erosion to create the stream and standing-water problem at the base of the bridge on the northboudn side. When it was very cold this past winter, an ice dam had formed on/over/around the fire hydrant (making it inaccessible) and the ice dam extended out into the road making it very unsafe to drive.
  • Pothole تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    7448 Old Columbia Road Laurel, Maryland - North Laurel
    Potholes are getting worse after this past winter and large rains at two patches of the southbound lane leading up the hill just after the bridge.
  • Roadway & Drainage Concern تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    7085 Old Columbia Road Columbia, Maryland - Columbia
    Water is draining from the hill directly onto the road, and under moderate rain creates a literal stream which causes hydroplaning on the southbound (downhill) side. The "road stream" then flows into a natural stream, but has caused numerous potholes as well.
  • Pothole تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    7237 Old Columbia Road Columbia, Maryland - Columbia
    Previous pothole fixes have been undone and a large patch of individual potholes have been getting worse in the past few months. Potholes appear to be at least 1"-2" deep in some instances
  • Roadway & Drainage Concern تم إقراره
    7400 Old Columbia Road Laurel, Maryland - North Laurel
    During any amount of rain, water collects across the northbound lane; most recently (3/21?) continued soil erosion caused water backup to cover both north and southbound lanes completely to a depth of at least 1".