
  • Decatur Ga 30030 United States - Decatur
    A large tree fell tonight across the creek and blocking one of the trails. Easiest access point to locate the tree is from the dead end of Harold Byrd Drive and follow path in opposite direction from the school.
  • 517 Westchester Dr Decatur 30030, United States - Decatur
    Could we social distance these two trees and park sign? 😜
    Just noticed the sign located directly behind the trees. A nicer park sign is located about 15’ to the left. (This is obviously a low priority.)
  • 100–198 Dogwood Way Decatur 30030, United States - Decatur
    A swarm of honey bees has formed in a tree branch over hanging the street in front of 119 Dogwood Way. Is there a bee keeper that can come and relocate the swarm?
  • Wildcat Trail Decatur, GA 30030, United States of America - Decatur
    Maintenance crews did not place mulch on trail, but did leave large ruts where kids walk to school. Monday is a holiday for kids, but Tuesday lots of kids will be walking this trail. Please repair ruts and put mulch on trail.
  • Pothole Arquivado
    227 Maederis Drive Decatur, GA 30030, United States of America - Decatur
    This is a growing pothole at the corner of Dogwood Way & Maediris Drive.