
  • Trashy Rental Archivado
    61 Jefferson Ave Geneva NY 14456, United States - Geneva
    Could you please contact the landlord about the trash and uncut grass at this rental? Do we have a rule that states trash should not be in the front of the house? I thought that was part of the rules the city created about trash. The tenants here will bring trash to the front or set it out by the road for days at a time. It’s unfortunate when the rentals pull the neighborhood down to this trashy kind of level. Could you also check to see that the landlord at this rental has followed all rental codes? It was an Airbnb last summer and we are not zoned for short term rentals in this residential neighborhood. With the Covid crisis I’m concerned about seeing the short term rentals start up again this summer in the neighborhood.
  • 197 S West St Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    The stairs to the house are falling down and can no longer be used safely. The roof of the garage caved in has been that way for over a year. The owner passed away. The house has been empty for years. Please take a look and see if something can be done.
  • Grass Problem Archivado
    228 Hamilton St Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    The house at the corner of Jefferson and Hamilton Street is such an eyesore. Every week the owner allows the grass to grow too high then cuts it and creates a dead grass mess on the sidewalks and all over her lawn. It goes on and on throughout the growing season. Is there something the city can do to help? It really looks terrible for everyone and is a hazard for kids on bikes and elderly people walking on the sidewalk.
  • 216-218 Hamilton St Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    The hedge on the Coldwell Banker Parking lot is out of control and needs trimming.
    There is at least one catalpa tree growing in there which can become very big. It seems as if we have to post about this hedge yearly. I’m wondering how to get Coldwell Banker to show that they are responsible to the community? The front of their place looks good but the back hedge is a problem.
  • 62 Jefferson Ave Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    I woke up this morning to find a 3’ massive ice and snow mound in front of all the driveways on my side of the street on Jefferson Ave in Geneva. Across the street the snow plows have done such a wonderful job that there’s absolutely no snow and the neighbors can pull right in and out! I thought they were supposed to take turns doing one side of the street and then the other! I am 62 and my neighbor is 85. We do not appreciate the inequity that’s going on with the Snow Plowing. Can you help?
  • Yard Debris Archivado
    154 S West St Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    Please let the homeowner or renter at this location know that yard debris can be taken to the transfer station on Doran Avenue. It spoils the neighborhood to build up trash waiting for the only two times a year Geneva does a yard trash pick up. Geneva really should pick up yard trash on a monthly basis. It would help homeowners to take better care of their property.
  • Safety Issues Archivado
    149 S West St Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    This house has had streamers of plastic sheeting tangled in the wires for a very long time. There has been an appliance on the front porch for well over a year. Is this another neglected rental?
  • 70 Jefferson Ave Geneva 14456, United States - Geneva
    This rental is 70 Jefferson Ave. The roof is visibly deteriorating. Wind storms send broken shingles all over the neighborhood. The hedge hasn’t been pruned all summer. Can you please help this landlord become more responsible for his property?
    The owner is:
    Gary Sheppard
    3382 Seneca Castle Rd Stanley, NY 14561