
  • Traffic Signal Arquivado
    464 W Franklin St Chapel Hill, NC, 27516, USA - Chapel Hill
    I've seen several people nearly get hit at this intersection. I'm guilty - I've nearly been hit as a pedestrian, and while driving I've almost hit a pedestrian. During winter, there's low light and it's easy to speed with the wide street cross-section here. Additional lighting, reflective striping, or a pedestrian flasher sign could greatly improve safety at this intersection. Could you please look into this? Thank you!
  • Pothole Arquivado
    Cameron Ave & Ransom St Chapel Hill, North Carolina - Chapel Hill
    There is a pothole and eroding pavement in the middle of the bikelane on eastbound Cameron Ave. Thousands (yes, thousands, I couldn't believe that figure either) of cyclists use this bike lane everyday, and this pothole causes cyclists to swerve into the vehicular lane. This is especially dangerous during morning commute. Please provide equitable road repair and fill this in. Thanks!