
  • Construction Archiviato
    81 Monitor St Jersey City, NJ, 07304, USA - Bergen-Lafayette
    There is some kind of burning smell coming from the construction site. It's coming in through closed windows, and is still strong enough to cause headaches.
  • 83 Monitor Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Bergen-Lafayette
    A barricade has been placed at the bottom of my driveway, blocking my car in. This is absolutely unacceptable.
  • 83 Monitor Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Bergen-Lafayette
    Our plastic recycling was picked up, but the paper/cardboard recycling is still here.
  • 83 Monitor Street Jersey City, New Jersey - Bergen-Lafayette
    Our recycling pickup was supposed to be last night. All of the paper/cardboard is gone, but the plastic and glass recyclables are still here.
  • Construction Archiviato
    81 Monitor St Jersey City New Jersey - Bergen-Lafayette
    Construction started on Monday extremely close to my place (I'm right next door). It's been crazy loud, but today the building has been shaking continuously for several hours. They were using a backhoe to smash the ground 2 feet from my foundation. I followed the SDL portal above, and didn't see any permit information for that lot. I'm concerned about my house being damaged.