
  • 1649 28th Street Oakland, California - Clawson
    Hello, this is the weekly update on the illegal dump site on 28th Street and Ettie Street. When is Oakland going to send some to clean it up? If this trash was on Mandela Parkway which is one block away it would be cleaned up immediately.
  • 1649 28th Street Oakland, CA - Clawson
    Hello Oakland, this needs to stop. The pile has now made its way into the street and is effecting traffic. The trash is also being blown down 28th street and into Mandela Parkway.
  • 1650 28th Street Oakland, CA - Clawson
    Weekly illegal dump pile is growing on 28th Street. Please come and clean it up.
  • Weekly illegal dump on 28th Street Được thừa nhận
    1650 28th Street Oakland, California - Clawson
    Weekly illegal dump on 28th Street Please come and pick it up.
  • 2653 Mandela Parkway Oakland, California - Clawson
    Some dumped their old mattress on Mandela Parkway near 28th Street. Please come and pick it up
  • 18 Ealing Lane Oakland, California - Clawson
    Huge pile of trash/chairs next to a homeless encampment/RV