Stan Wolfe

  • 1912 Quail Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A
    I reported an orange temp fence in my yard last year. Someone came and moved it off my yard but its still up over a year. The city did work in the stream behind my house and there is an orange temp fence behind my house for over a year. Temp fence is not allowed for over 6 months. I want it taken down.
  • Greenway Archivé
    1912 Quail Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A
    Behind my house city did repairs to steam running behind my home. City put up orange fence while construction was on going. Construction is over for months but orange fence is still up on my property. Want it removed from my property.
  • 1912 Quail Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A
    The 2000 and 1900 blocks of Quail Ridge road, have excessive low tree limbs over the road that are lower than 12 feet from the road surface and are from city owed maple trees along the road way. Several years ago, I called the city and you did trim low hanging tree limbs near my home, after a limb knocked a hole in my RV roof. I am concerned that my current RV will be damaged by low hanging tree limbs. Every day I hear delivery trucks drive by my home and hear tree limbs slapping on there roofs. Let me know if anything can be done to correct this problem.
  • 1912 Quail Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A
    Street light in front of 1900 and 1912 quail ridge road were knocked out when Google and ATT laid lines on the street back in August of 2016. Several calls to report outage have been made. Repairs have not been made as of this date.