Jane Szymanski

  • Stop sign Άνοιγμα
    211 Alligator Dr Venice, Florida, 34293 - South Venice
    Stop sign at corner of Hialeah and Alligator Drive leaning over, worried about new storm winds knocking it completely over
  • Wreck Αναγνωρισμένο
    211 Alligator Dr Venice, FL, 34293, USA - South Venice
    There was a white jeep that was wrecked between Hialeah Rd and our house that had to be pulled out by a tow truck, very large and long crevice left by the tires of the tow truck or damaged vehicle, many people come very fast around this corner day and night, I am afraid that others taking the corner too sharp will be thrown into the large crevice and be pulled into it, very dangerous. One person died there a couple of years back, same thing. We have numerous pic’s of many vehicles that have landed in this ditch over the years. Needs to be fixed very soon. My humble recommendation would be to put a guard rail along that corner with blinking lights on it. We have lost so many mailboxes, large ruts in our own lawn that we had to fix ourselves at our own cost, because of dangerous speeding, this is just crazy that nothing is being done, I would really not want another death to happen. Jane Szymanski
  • ROW Mowing Archived
    211 Alligator Dr Venice, FL, 34293, USA - South Venice
    We need the mowing done and tree’s trimmed back because at the corner of Alligator and Hialeah the cars cannot see our driveway. We are unable to maintain the area because we are seniors who only have a walking lawnmower and are physically unable to do the work. We were sent a paper after they came out and measured the culverts and was told they would maintain it for us, but have not had anyone here for quite some time. Can we still get help? Thank you.
  • Speeders Archived
    211 Alligator Dr Venice, FL, 34293, USA - South Venice
    We need help with speeders on Alligator Drive, too many accidents, yard and mailbox destruction. We are afraid to walk to our mailbox, our recycling men have told me that they are afraid to stop here! What do we need to do to get help here? We have many pictures to back up what I am stating, please help, things are getting worse!
  • Trash Archived
    211 Alligator Dr Venice, FL, 34293, USA - South Venice
    After the County came through and cut back all the trees on Alligator Drive next to Alligator Creek, it looks great, but now you can see all the trash that was left there by the homeless people. Most of the trash is around Regions bank that is on the corner of 41 and Alligator Drive. It does extend down the patch of grass that runs between Regions Bank and Habitat for Humanity. Every two weeks I go out there with my trashcan and clean up that whole strip of land of things people throw out of their cars, which are usually beer bottles, vodka bottles, trash from restaurants, cigarette butts, of course, I have found tires, pieces of carpet, hubcaps, and I do that because I live across the street and have to look at it. Who is going to clean up this trash that now is so visible? What’s really ridiculous, is there’s a sign there that says $500 penalty for littering, which people do all the time. Maybe there should be a camera set up to catch license plates of these people so they can be fined and maybe it’ll stop happening. So can you please let me know who’s going to clean up all this mess that looks horrible, you would think the bank would be interested in doing that since the majority of it is on their property. Thank you. Jane Szymanski
  • 211 Alligator Drive Venice, Florida - South Venice
    The Lane markers on Alligator Drive are either broken or not there at all, the whole road off of 41 is in dire need of repair, where is my tax money going, we have no sidewalks, and do not have city water, at least redo the very busy road.
  • Swale Archived
    211 Alligator Dr Venice, FL 34293, USA - South Venice
    The swale on Alligator Drive is wide open, the top grate is no longer on it, it is off to the side of it
  • 211 Alligator Drive Venice, Florida - South Venice
    The empty lot next to us on Alligator Drive needs moving, also the whole strip next to Habitat in front of Alligator creek
  • 211 Alligator Drive Venice, Florida - South Venice
    Alligator Drive road is falling apart, heavy traffic area and the sides of the road are breaking off and the lane markers are broken or gone all together, and the swale does not have its top on it, it is off to the side