
  • 8240 S Westnedge Ave Portage, MI 49002, USA - Portage
    Many people are driving down the turn lane past several cars to go around stopped traffic waiting to pass or pull into the middle school student drop off. These drivers race down the turn lane and cut back in just before running into south bound traffic with no regard to others safety. This has been happening for a long time but I'm tired of having close calls since the line moves and these drives think they are owed the lane trying to drive back into the northbound lane where the rest have been waiting patiently. Someone is going to get hurt.
  • 2185-2189 Stanley Ave Portage, MI 49002, USA - Portage

    We consistently have issues with high speed drivers on Stanley Ave and now with school back in we are seeing increased speeds for users especially during school transit times. We have no sidewalks and there are kids who use this street to walk to the bus, walk to school or ride a bike each day to school. It's just a matter of time for someone to get injured.

    Is it possible to add additional speed limit signs? With side streets between the speed limit signs at each end of the road maybe adding signs would add visibility of the speed limits.

    Also can we have a portable speed limit radar station set up for a period that would cover a weekend too?

  • 1901-2151 Stanley Ave Portage, MI 49002, USA - Portage
    Someone either ran over or ran into the stop sign at the end of Stanley Ave at Portage road. It bent the sign back and knocked off the street sign
  • Pothole La Kaydiiyey
    9230 Portage Rd Portage, MI 49002, USA - Portage
    There's a huge bump on portage road that was the result of a underground repair. The spot is raised creating a significant bump for 45mph traffic but lately there is a recessed spot forming that could be very dangerous for motorcycle riders.