Frank Sperling

  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, California, 94611 - Piedmont Pines
    Sewer drain completely covered from runoff from recent rain.
  • 6391 Melville Dr Oakland, California, 94611 - Piedmont Pines
    this was dumped on our street over a month ago and is a fire hazard are well as an eyesore.
  • 6491 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Second time I've reported this. Picture does not do justice to the problem. Tree has branches extending AT LEAST halfway across Melville Drive creating danger to pedestrians and vehicles.
  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, California, 94611 - Piedmont Pines
    Recent rains have blocked the sewer and it can no longer drain rain water at sewer just to the right of 6340 Melville Drive.
  • 6373 Melville Dr Oakland, California, 94611 - Piedmont Pines
    Recent street work reveals several hundred feet of soil covering street and narrowing vehicle ability to drive. City used to come by every few years to clean this up, but hasn't done so for several years. This is a traffic and pedestrian safety issue. Picture doesn't do issue justice.
  • 9535 Skyline Blvd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Low tree overhang as well as plants growing over the street cause traffic to avoid by driving into wrong side of road. Severe trimming required to resolve issue. This is on Melville Drive side of property.
  • 6368 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Ditch leading to sewer drain blocked with dirt/weeds. This causes rainwater and erosion from nearby property to back-up onto street instead of draining down sewer when rain occurs.
  • 6588 Longwalk Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Fire hydrant nearly completely buried in dirt between 6588 and 6580 Longwalk Drive. Additionally, no blue dot in street to direct firefighters to hydrant.
  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Sewer drain completely blocked to the right of 6340. Melville Drive. Debris has backed up 10-15 feet beyond sewer, so that if only debris at sewer is removed, additional debris will move down the street into/onto sewer grate. Need to remove debris that is residing on the street to the right of the sewer grate as well.
  • 6373 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Pedestrian and vehicle safety issue. ACCROSS from 6373 Melville Drive. Erosion has caused 3-5 foot wide and 50 foot long mudflow onto street which narrows the road making it difficult for emergency vehicles to pay, cars to pass, and pedestrians to walk.
  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    5/29/20 - THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE!!! Sewer drain blocked by erosion.
  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Sewer drain blocked...again! This happens every time it rains. Please clear.
  • 6351 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines

    About 50% of the "right side" (per picture) of Melville Drive has erosion severely narrowing the roadway to cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Most of the land on that side of the street is the back side of houses that are situated on Waldeck, Skyline, Totterdell, etc. These somewhat steep hills are frequently eroding onto Melville and the street has become narrower due to dirt accumulating beyond the edge of the road. As a result, the road is anywhere from 1 foot to 6 feet narrower than it was intended. This needs to get rectified as it is a health and safety issue.

    This issue impacts the entire length of Melville Drive, not just what is shown in this picture.

  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Sewer blocked again! Recent rain brought a lot of debris and blocked the sewer.
  • 9469 Skyline Blvd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Tree and debris has been rotting for months. This is a real fire hazard! Needs to be removed before fire season starts.
  • 6340 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Sewar completely blocked. Will cause flooding if not cleared before next rain.
  • 6335 Melville Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    100 lb.+ tree stump (left from PGE trimming?) across the street from 6335 Melville Drive. Too heavy for me to simply throw into green wast.
  • 6464 Melville Ln Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Piedmont Pines
    Unpermitted (?) construction occurring at address. 12 office/cubicles being built inside home to house a real estate business with 12 employees. This location is most likely not zoned for this type of business and there are CEQA implications including traffic impact of 12 additional cars parking on this very narrow street on a daily basis.
  • 2371-2399 Mountain Blvd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd Canyon
    BRAND NEW sidewalk installed week of 7/8/19 has issues with streetlights and signs placed in the middle of the sidewalk. This does not conform to ADA regulations which require a 42" passable pathway for people with disabilities. The entire new sidewalk should be surveyed to ensure all deficiencies are fixed.
  • 290 Grand Avenue Oakland, California - Adams Point
    Tree branches on trees on North side of Grand east of Lenox are blocking drivers' view of new pedestrian traffic signals at the intersection Grand and Lenox. This makes for a dangerous situation for westbound cars approaching this intersection and cannot see the red flashing lights until the last minute.