
  • 389 59th Lane South Saint Petersburg, Florida - Pasadena Bear Creek Estates Neighborhood Association
    Overgrowth in ditch begins homes along 59th Lane South. Neighbor previously reported this and men were out today weed whacking but stopped before my property. Trucks need to be dispatched to clean the ditch.
  • 389 59th Lane South Saint Petersburg, Florida - Pasadena Bear Creek Estates Neighborhood Association
    City was out today cleaning the sides of ditch on other side but not on our side. Overgrowth needs to be cleaned on our side of the ditch.
  • dumping Arkiverad
    Woodlawn Cemetery St. Petersburg, FL - Pasadena Bear Creek Estates Neighborhood Association
    Woodlawn out there again yesterday and today dumping trailer loads and loads of dirt. They leveled the mountains of dirt about 3 or 4 weeks ago but out there dumping again. They don’t care about us as neighbors having to look at their mess. Why do they have dumpsters if they don’t use them? Also why did they put up a fence but continue to dump outside of the fence so we have to look at this mess. Why can’t they be stopped once and for all?
  • Other Arkiverad
    Woodlawn Cemetery Saint Petersburg, Florida - Pasadena Bear Creek Estates Neighborhood Association
    Woodlawn continues weekly to dump dirt and debris on other side of ditch behind our homes
  • Other Arkiverad
    Woodlawn Cemetery Dumping St Petersburg, Florida - Pasadena Bear Creek Estates Neighborhood Association
    Woodlawn cemetery dumping dirt, dead shrubs etc on other side of ditch from my property so when I look out my back porch all I see is garbage.