
  • 5555 92nd Place N Pinellas Park, Florida - Pinellas Park
  • Other Archivé
    9000 60th St Pinellas Park, Florida - Pinellas Park
    At the corner of 60th Street and 90th Ave where the Kwik-Stop is, on the southeast side of the corner the brush is blocking the view of the pedestrian walkway. When you stop at the stop sign, you cannot see the activity on the side walk. You have to inch up until you can see. With the school being down the street and the children either walking, running or riding bike, it is just a matter of time before someone gets hit. It would not let me upload the pictures.
  • Other Archivé
    5555 92nd Place Pinellas Park, Florida - Pinellas Park

    When the street cleaner comes around, he cuts across the cul -de-sac and we are not swept. Can this be addressed?

    Thank you

  • 5505 92nd Place Norfth Pinellas Park, Florida - Pinellas Park
    Light occasional comes on but will no stay lit. Often goes off when I walk the dog leaving us in the dark.