Catherine Gunn

  • Pothole Archivé
    Railroad Avenue Coming Off Washington Street Gloucester, Massachusetts - Gloucester
    There is a BAD/deep/sharp pothole as you turn in to Railroad Avenue off Washington Street, right at the crosswalk. Please ask DPW to repair as it's been there for some time and it's getting worse. thank you!
  • Pothole Archivé
    Main/Rogers Street In Front Of Action Inc Gloucester, Massachusetts - Gloucester
    On the westbound side of Main Street in front of Action Inc there are several LARGE/DEEP potholes that need to be filled.
  • Warren Street Gloucester, Massachusetts - Gloucester
    The city owned parking lot at Middle/Warren/Pleasant Streets really needs to be repaved at the earliest convenience in the spring. We also desperately need directional arrows and signage painted onto the entrances/exits. Many times pedestrians are at risk because drivers do not follow the correct "Entrance Only" and "Exit Only" spaces. If large lettering were on the pavement at each entrance/exit, this could be helped greatly. Hopefully this can be added to the DPW spring project list for repaving and labeling. Thank you!
  • Western Avenue Gloucester, Massachusetts - Gloucester
    Sprinkler on the Boulevard near the Fisherman Statue is spraying water early morning...probably no longer need to water the grass in late October, PLUS it's not watering the grass, just spraying into the street.