
  • 4423 Edgewood Ave Oakland, CA 94602, USA - Glenview
    Edgewood typically has cars moving faster than the traffic coming from Everett Ave can see to their right. Edgewood needs a stop sign where it meets Everett Ave.
  • 3301-3399 Park Blvd Oakland CA 94610 - Cleveland Heights
    A large stretch of Park Blvd becomes very narrow and traffic on it tends to run fast. Aside from the danger of commission and the danger to bicyclists the issue I would like to report is how the paint delineating lanes have rubbed off and disappears in this area which is more dangerous in particular because of the curves of the road. This is dangerous as cars can easily lose its way and veer off lane during the curves.
  • Litter/Dumping Riconosciuto
    4001-4053 Harlan Street Emeryville, California - Emeryville
    we need a city garbage can on Harlan St. near 40th so dog walkers have a trash can to use.
  • 1201 Park Avenue Emeryville, California - Emeryville
    LED lamps on roof of this building is not pointing down to the parking lot, rather out, and at night shining very bright across the block and into neighbors windows. Very obnoxious light pollution.
  • 4th And Townsend - Mission Bay
    When heading north/east on Townsend Street driving past 4th Street there is an issue with the paint on the ground that guides the lanes across the 4th Street intersection. For example, when heading north/east on Townsend and on the very left lane, you are allowed to go straight through the 4th St. intersection and remain on Townsend. However, the lines that guide this left lane to go through the intersection is faded away and what happens is that the middle lane to your right fails to veer slight right and instead ends up encroaching on your left lane. This confuses drivers and both feel they have the right of way, and introduces near accidents in a very crowded and busy intersection during rush hours.