
  • TRAILER TRASH Признана
    Monticello Avenue Richmond , Virginia - Bellevue
    Trailer parked on street. Violates City code.
    Has been called to police many times. They do respond. The trailers still are there. THE POLICE EVEN ATTENDED a civic association meeting ast summer at the local alcohol store and said to call when this vioation occurs. Their comment is even in the association newsletter, and it cites the code number. The trailer should not be there. It makes no difference if it has tags, registration, inspection it is still illegal. In this case, the trailer posts none of those. The trailer trash people literally have trailer trash on the street.
  • Fence zoning violation Признана
    1422 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, VA - Bellevue
    Fence too high in front yard, over 4 feet
  • 1500 Claremont Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Alley being ruined from draining water, street holding standing water to breed mosquitoes
  • Rats Archived
    4040 Macarthur Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Weeds and rats.