Charles W

  • 91-109 Us-2 Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Busy intersection that could use a light for pedestrians to cross. People often lean out too far trying to see around cars.
  • 112 Intervale Ave Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Found 1 cap by the wall/stairs to the purple house, found 4 more caps and 1 uncapped needle by the small bushes on top of the retaining wall.
  • 1 Intervale Road Burlington, Vt - Burlington Electric
    Light to cross intervale road towards winooski doesn't change when you hit the button
  • 1-29 Intervale Rd Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Facing Winooski by intervale road - button does not trigger the pedestrian walk signal
  • 74 S Willard St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Dead rabbit in a black garbage bag near street and blue recycling bin
  • Sidewalks Archived
    29 Intervale Rd Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    There aren't any sidewalk, making it unsafe to walk to the Intervale, especially with young children!
  • Pothole ADIは、
    334 College St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Road was repaved after new pipes put in for new construction. However a spot by a manhole has sunken in, causing most drivers going down college street to scrape bottom of car.
  • 360 College St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    It is up the driveway by the first three parking spots on right about parallel to end of green garage in the leaves by the bush. Around the smaller snow pile. As of 5pm orange cover was on needle.
  • 378 Main St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    It's nearly impossible to turn left from Main onto South Willard (going away from UVM) during any traffic. If it would be possible to add a light for left turns only this would alleviate some traffic. Last week there were 4 cars looking to turn and it took the light changing to green three times before I was able to turn.
  • 98-100 Church Street Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Little space for pedestrians to walk. Is there any limits on how far from the center chairs or clothing racks or food trucks must be set up? Some weekends it feels hectic and claustrophobic walking down the street. Thanks!
  • 25-37 Saint Louis Street Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Broken park equipmebt
  • 38 Saint Louis Street Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Broken gate latch - both