
  • Trash Archivé
    Madaket Bike Path Nantucket, MA 02554, USA - Nantucket
    There is a dead seagull on the Madaket bike path at Long Pond Drive.
  • Streets/Roads Archivé
    Red Barn Road Nantucket, MA 02554, USA - Nantucket
    The condition of Red Barn road has been deteriorating over the years. I have called the DPW about it several times, and I was told that the person who operated the grader is sadly no longer with us. After our past winter, sections of Red Barn Road are now nearly impassible. The ruts and holes are huge and plentiful, and they exist in multiple stretches along the entire length of the road. It is now time to smooth the road before it causes serious damage, or deters valued visitors from enjoying our beautiful beaches.
  • 80 Madaket Road - Nantucket
    The deep sand on the Madaket Road bike path, at number 80 and also a few yards farther east, is treacherous for cyclists. Both locations tend to accumulate sand, especially after rain. Please clear the sand, and keep an eye on it after rainstorms, to prevent this safety hazard.