
  • Vacant Buildings Archiviato
    28 Maple Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - New Scotland
    This vacant building is a longtime eyesore in the neighborhood. The widows and doors are covered over with plywood and the roof is falling apart. It creates a highly negative image for the businesses and residences in this neighborhood and stands as testament to government inaction and neglect in failing to address this issue.
  • Vacant Buildings Archiviato
    28 Maple Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - New Scotland
    This building (and the one next door, which I believe is owned by the same person) remains vacant and continuing to deteriorate. With the recent windy weather the building has list more of its roofing and the siding is peeling off the neighboring building. And the widows and door continue to be convered up with plywood. This is not only an eyesore but a blight on the neighborhood and sends a highly negative signal about the vitality of the area. It is simply unacceptable to allow a building to fall into rot in the middle of a neighborhood that is trying to thrive with a mix of residential and business properties. It is even more painful to see as this building once housed one of Albany's storied businesses, Leo's Bakery. It is now left to slowly fall apart, year after year, to the great detriment of the entire neighborhood. This has been an issue for several years now and only getting worse.
  • Vacant Buildings Archiviato
    28 Maple Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - New Scotland
    This building has been vacant for years and has fallen into disrepair. The windows and door were broken out and now are covered by unsightly boards. The roof is peeling off and is undoubtedly affecting the structure. Overall, this is an eyesore and a blight on the neighborhood.
  • 586 Myrtle Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - Pine Hills
    Grass not cut for many weeks and shrubbery growing wild and untended.
  • 702 Madison Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - Park South
    Grass not mowed, property untended
  • 2 Maple Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - New Scotland
    Front lawn not mowed for weeks, shrubs untrimmed and grown wild
  • 22 Maple Ave Albany, New York, 12208 - New Scotland
    Grass not mowed for a long time. Very tall, going to seed.
  • Vacant Buildings Archiviato
    115 South Lake Ave Albany, New York - Pine Hills
    This building has been under renovation - but work seems to have stopped months ago. There is a dumpster out front and there is an awful smell.