
  • 7600 Portland Ave S Richfield, MN 55423, USA - Richfield
    The turn lane arrows do not work at the intersection of 76th st and Portland Ave. I can sit in that lane well before the lights turn green but I have NEVER been given a green arrow. It stays red even after the straight lanes turn green, then it goes to a yellow arrow. I've been burned by this countless times since you installed these lights.
  • Clean Up Arquivado
    7645 1st Ave S Richfield, MN 55423, USA - Richfield
    Glass in the road. Can you please send a street sweeper to 7600 1st Ave, and around the connecting road to Stevens Ave just on the north side of the sound wall? Some big glass piece was shattered during the last snowfall and the glass has already flattened my bike tires and it's been spread by the snow plows all up and down 1st Ave from where it originated just south of 7639 1st on the connecting road to Stevens
  • 7701 Nicollet Ave Richfield, Minnesota - Richfield
    On the SE corner of 77th st and Nicollet Ave, the push button to get the crosswalk light to turn on to go E-W across Nicollet is not working
  • 7633 1st Ave S Richfield, Minnesota - Richfield
    Light in front of 7633 1st has been out for weeks. Call Xcel energy again. Light behind 7627 1st is still out and has been for weeks. 7601 1st has TWO lights out for 6 weeks now. One on 1st ave, one on 76th st. There are at least two street lights out on the 7600 block of Stevens ave too.
  • Street lights Arquivado
    7633 1st Avenue S Richfield, Minnesota - Richfield
    Street light on 1st Ave at the 7633h house as been out for 2 weeks. The light behind 7627 1st has been out for 4 days and the light on 1st Ave in front of 7601 1st ave and the light on 76th street on the north side of 7601 have been out for about 2 weeks too. Awful dark in the neighborhood.