
  • Pothole Arquivada
    60 State St Apt 5A, Albany, New York - Albany
    This is a pot hole that is turning into a sink hole. It has been there a few days. I have previously reported how bad the whole street is to no avail, but this one is unacceptable/a safety concern now. Please note the traffic cone in the photo is so jammed in I can't get it out for a proper photo but it shows how deep it is.
  • Fire Arquivada
    30 Hudson Ave Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
    Someone started a fire in Liberty Park - campfire style. This is very concerning.
  • 30 Norton St Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
    I know the city has a new rule about sidewalks needing to be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow storm but the side roadways people go down are not plowed - for example norton street. I was wondering if a similar rule will be applied to the city's plowing policy?
  • Animal Control Arquivada
    30 Norton St Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
  • Code Violations Arquivada
    66 State St Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
    There is excessive clutter in the back of a building currently not occupied (but is for sale) on Norton St in Albany. It is the delivery entrance to 66 state street (located on Norton). Photo attached.
  • 30 Norton St Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
    There is a homeless man who lives on Norton street but takes up residence in the doorway of a vacant building. He uses the street as his personal bathroom which often means exposing himself in public. He goes through the dumpsters and tosses trash all over the street that sits there for days at a time. He also has been know to stare down myself and many others in a menacing fashion going into 60 state st apts. finally he has started to yelling things and a few of us when we walk by like "go back to your country club" etc. I feel bad complaining about a homeless man but he is becoming more and more aggressive.
  • Animal Control Arquivada
    46 Hudson Ave Colonie, NY 12205, USA - Albany
  • Tree Issues Arquivada
    52-98 Hudson Ave Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
    So this is across the street from 50 Hudson Ave which is the abandoned building "oldest building in Albany" on the grass strip on the side of the park Albany garage. A guy was here this morning cutting branches which I was excited about because they were getting way too long but he didn't pick up there are branches left all over the place. Can someone please clean up this mess?
  • 7-19 Green St Albany, NY 12207, USA - Albany
  • Pothole Arquivada
    110-112 South Swan Street Albany, NY 12210, USA - Center Square
    The pot hole is right outside the swan street tunnel and it is down to the cobblestone has been there for a few months.