
  • Tree Concern Archived
    8995 Lambskin Ln Columbia MD 21045, United States - Columbia
    Two dead trees on Lambskin right by the Locust Park PoolLando
  • 9118 Lambskin Ln Columbia MD 21045, United States - Columbia
    Public sidewalk has several large potholes in it needing repair
  • Tamar Dr Columbia MD 21045, United States - Columbia
    Concrete under Tamar Drivebridge supports is cracking away Seen from pedestrian pathway under bbridge ear
  • 8964–9068 Lambskin Ln Columbia MD 21045, United States - Columbia
    The swim team that practices at Locust Park pool is parking on both sides of the street, down into the neighborhood When this happens, only one car at a time can pass which is causing safety concerns for residents trying to drive in and out their neighborhood Cars are having to back up on the road to move out of the way of each othe Last night, it got so tight near the bottom of the hill that I'm not certain emergency vehicles could have gotten throug Can no parking signs be added further up the hill, or on one side of the road so they can only park on one sidefi
  • 9088 Lambskin Ln Columbia, MD 21045, USA - Columbia

    Most streetlights in my neighborhood have been replaced with the open LED lights that have less light pollution. Several have not been replaced though and we're wondering when these will be done.

    The numbers on the lights are: 6250, 6251, 7012, 7014, 7015, 7017, 7018, 7019, 7020, 7026.

    Thank you for any information you can share and I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Dead Animal Archived
    9036-9074 Lambskin Ln Columbia, MD 21045, USA - Columbia
    There's a dead cat next to the community mailbox. No collar.
  • 9088 Lambskin Lane Columbia, MD 21045, USA - Columbia
    Possible water main break or leak in the cul de sac. There's water going through the parking lot. The top right corner (when you turn in) seems to be the source.