F Lucente, CU MTD

  • 601 Irvine Road Champaign, Illinois, 61822 - Champaign
    There is an extremely low hanging tree limb on westbound Clayton Ave just as you reach the intersection with Duncan. Our MTD buses are being hit in the roof by this limb, potentially causing damage to the various battery and A/C components that are mounted up there.
    We are requesting that the limb be trimmed back or removed. If trimmed, we ask that it be cut back at least 3' north of the curb. Thanks, Frank.
  • Pothole repair Acknowledged
    1908 Round Barn Road Champaign, IL, 61821, USA - Champaign
    There are two potholes at the MTD Round Barn bus stop that are causing problems for MTD buses. They have grown to a size where we cannot maneuver around them, and as we continue to hit them during our stops, we run the potential of damaging the wheels or frames of our buses. As a short term fixed can these be filled with an asphalt patch or something similar? And would it be possible to have these considered for a permanent fix with concrete? The fault lines around the eastern most hole indicate it will continue to grow to a significant size. Thanks, Frank Lucente, CU MTD