Flee K

  • 693 Aileen St Oakland, CA, 94609, USA - Bushrod

    Hope you'll consider keeping/extending Dover as a Slow Street.

    It has been SO NICE to not have (too many) wild drivers over the past 2 years and it has been LOVELY to see the neighborhood become more neighborly...I see people using the space to walk dogs, ride bikes/scooters/skates, stroll with young kids and babies, power walk in exercise gear. My block has come alive!

    I'm at a busier corner of Dover and I still hear drivers plow into the Slow Streets sandwich boards by my bedroom window in the middle of the night at well over the speed limit every few days, but in the past I've heard lots more disturbance. As a constituent with a young baby, I appreciate not having the thump thump thump of music and the muscle car sounds right all day and night. I also like that it slows down the delivery drivers who think they own the road.

    With MLK and Shattuck just a single block down, there really is NO HARM in keeping Dover more pedestrian friendly.

    ~ Flee (Aileen & Dover)