
  • Sidewalk issue Acknowledged
    300 S Main St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor

    OK. It's 80 degrees out. It's warm enough to pour concrete. (even though you could have thrown cold patch over the winter). These sidewalk tiles don't need a patch. The fact that the chunks of patch create jumps greater than 1/2 in means they need to be ground down, not to mention the craters, shows half the block needs to be pulled out and repoured.

    Excuse my language, but I'm sick and @#$% tired of dodging potholes in the sidewalk downtown and then putting workorders into a2fixit for y'all to do absolutely nothing. I pay over $7,000 in city taxes THAT INCLUDES A TAX TO FIX SIDEWALKS. Stop giving me excuses why those with mobility impairments can't safely travel downtown! DOWNTOWN! I'm not even asking about a sidewalk in the middle of some rarely traveled neighborhood. I don't have the energy to constantly report hazards without any action.

    OK. I'm done getting my frustration off my chest. Complaining doesn't get us anywhere, action does.

    To any commissioner that wants to talk, let's talk. Let's come up with an action plan. I love Ann Arbor but we can do better.

  • Sidewalk issue Acknowledged
    200 E Liberty St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor

    Yes, this is in front of the post office, you're going to say you can't do anything about this sidewalk crack. I flipped out of my wheelchair here last year and I just nearly did it again.

    I pay $7,000 per year in property taxes including a specific millage for sidewalks. Every single block of sidewalk in the downtown is in poor shape. If the city puts maintenance of the downtown on the DDA, the DDA has an obligation to make the downtown safe for all people. I hate that I have to look down so I don't get ejected from my chair. I'm so disappointed.

  • 300 S Main St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    I use a wheelchair. This is a guaranteed ejection from my chair if I'm not paying attention. It's downhill making it even more dangerous as those in wheelchairs don't have to look down while pushing if they don't have to push. Since 2015 there are issues in this sidewalk. You NEED to repair it. There is arguable gross negligence if someone is injured because you have received so many notices. The entire slab needs to be replaced. The broken patches confirm the ineffectivness of repairs.
  • 234 N 4th Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    There is a drop of multiple inches. As a wheelchair user, if I didn't react to this I would have fallen out of my chair. Needs leveling BAD
  • Signal repair Archived
    Va Hospital Fuller Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA - Ann Arbor
    The timing on this signal could be improved. I'm not sure if there was an attempt to change it up, but about 12 cars can make it a on thru movement on fuller road going west. Cars are facing minimum 2 cycles to make it through with rush hour being 3+. I saw that someone posted this 3 weeks ago, but it doesn't seem to be resolved.
  • Sidewalk issue Acknowledged
    209 E Liberty St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    All of this sidewalk is in bad shape. I was the guy in a wheelchair who fell a month ago and it still isn't fixed... I see they tried to patch over one gap, but they didn't even clean the crack before they placed the concrete and it popped out. I'm aware it's federal land because of the post office but the sidewalk is SO BAD. Really a shame to in a2
  • 309 S State St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    Worst part of downtown. Thankfully it's so bad, it's hard to miss so it can be slowly and cautiously navigated through.
  • 322 S State St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    Im aware there is going to be a reconstruction of state street over the course of two years, but this should be fixed year 1
  • 302 E Liberty St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    C'mon. It's downtown. Do better.
  • Sidewalk issue Acknowledged
    209 E Liberty St Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    I just flipped out of my wheelchair from this crack. I'm pretty scraped up from this. Lucky that there were community members who helped me back in.
  • 1950 Manchester Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA - Ann Arbor
    Deep pothole. I was concerned to fall all the way to China