
  • Short St Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27516 - Chapel Hill

    My new-ish student neighbors need to be reminded to pull their carts in. They have been out on the street for weeks now. Pritchard has been similar.

    The pull down menu only allows one choice...but both carts are being left out.

  • 207 Short St Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27516 - Chapel Hill
    For the second week in a row, I have had my recycling cart at the street Tuesday night...and the cart has not been emptied. It is now completely full. When I put my cart out last night, it was completely unobstructed...and it is completely unobstructed now. But I live on a street where people are allowed to park on my side...and I have no control over that. I don't know if that was the issue. But I need my cart emptied. Thank you.
  • 208 Short St Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27516 - Chapel Hill
    The students across the street have moved out, I believe. They had their trash nicely bagged and mostly in the can. I saw someone late last night picking through their trash and now it is strewn about with no one there to pick it up.
  • 207 Short St Chapel Hill, NC, 27516, USA - Chapel Hill
    I am curious who the ITS folks are who are digging holes in the right of way and appear to be laying cable of some sort. As an occupying homeowner, I was not notified of upcoming work on our street...unless these are the Google folks again. Google already dug on this street. If they are with a different organization, why wasn't there some coordination? Also, could they be asked not to park with their trucks idling for long periods of time. I was sitting on my porch working and it became difficult to breath within minutes.