
  • 304 Redwood Ave Paterson NJ 07522, United States - Paterson
    No Trash pick up. On redwood ave
  • 304 Redwood Ave Paterson 07522, United States - Paterson
    Once again,no grass clippings picked up….
  • 304 Redwood Ave Paterson 07522, United States - Paterson
    No cardboard and recycling picked up today.
  • 44 Don Bosco Ave Paterson 07502, United States - Paterson
    I drove by the Don Bosco construction site on Don Bosco Ave and could not believe how dirty the site is! The city needs to remind Epic Construction of their responsibility to keep the neighborhood clean.
  • 310 Redwood Ave Paterson 07522, United States - Paterson

    Redwood Village Apartments need additional dumpsters. This is the sight that myself and my neighbors on Redwood Ave. must deal with on a constant basis.

    Besides the health and safety issue loose debris is blown all over the street and into the yards of private homes along the street which is direct violation of city ordinance 313-4. When is the city going to enforce the ordinances already here enacted and hold the landlord/ property owner responsible for their part in keeping our neighborhood clean?

  • 311 Redwood Ave Paterson 07522, United States - Paterson

    Redwood Village Apartments has outgrown the dumpster on the property.

    These dumpsters are constantly overflowing with debris being blown all over.

    As a resident of Redwood Avenue I’m asking the city to hold the landlord responsible and require they provide additional dumpsters to help keep our neighborhood clean.

  • 304 Redwood Ave Paterson 07522, United States - Paterson
    No grass and leaves pick up.
  • 151 Dixon Ave Paterson, NJ, 07501, USA - Paterson
    Why send out notices regarding street cleaning and issuing tickets.... and don’t send inspectors to issue tickets... there are numerous cars parked on the street. Defeating the purpose of street cleaning... Paterson we can do BETTER...