
  • 2110 Mountain Blvd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Montclair Business
    Two meters are not working correctly. The two that are closest to Safeway in front of First Republic Bank. One has condensation inside so it can't be read. I put credit card in before I realized I couldn't read display. I tried to hit cancel button but it wouldn't cancel. Meter # unreadable. The next one,Meter 2102-2, wouldn't let me add time using credit card, or cancel transaction. I was able to add time by using quarters only. The buttons for adding time or cancel not working. when using credit card.
  • 7020 Paso Robles Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd Canyon
    4 Lime Scooters left on private property for 12 days
  • 7026 Paso Robles Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd Canyon
    4 Scooters that have been left lying on my property for more than a week. I tried contacting company.