
  • Tukwila Parks Issue Acknowledged
    16200 42nd Ave S Tukwila 98188, United States - Tukwila
    Is anything planned to be done about the horrible drainage/mud issues at Crestview dog park? It’s so awful all winter long. We try to visit here and there hoping it will be resolved but it’s just as gross as ever. The entrance to the large dog side is really slippery and a huge pool of mud. The large main area is so mucky you’ll lose your shoes if you’re not careful.
  • Wa-518 E Seattle, WA, 98188, USA - Tukwila
    The temporary gravel that was placed at each property when the Loop
    Sewer project happened is making a real mess all over the street and at each home. It’s washed all the way down our hill and is piling up in the intersection of 158th and 47th. We were told they would come back with a permanent solution in the summer but obviously nothing has been done.
  • 19611 International Blvd Seattle, WA, 98188, USA - SeaTac
    When heading west on 200th and sitting at the light at International Blvd, the green left (to head south) turn light does not light up.
  • 4252 S 158th St Seattle, WA, 98188, USA - Tukwila
    Probably stolen junker arrived overnight.
  • 15815 47th Ave S Seattle, WA, 98188, USA - Tukwila
  • 16200 42nd Ave S Tukwila, WA 98188, USA - Tukwila
    Broken latch on dog park fence. It's been like this all summer but we haven't been in town- figured somebody else would have reported it by now but since they haven't, I will.
  • 3860-3950 S 158th St Tukwila, WA 98188, USA - Tukwila
    Flooded road all the way across between 37th and 38th