
  • 1-99 Warren St Gloucester, MA, 01930, USA - Gloucester
    The 2 EV Chargers on Warren Street directly in front of City Hall Are Currently Down.
    This has happened once before, and the remedy was to reset a breaker inside City Hall.
    Thanks In Advance
    Tom Denman
  • 38 Rogers Street Gloucester, Massachusetts - Gloucester
    In the municipal parking in front of the Gloucester House there are TWO EV Charging Spacesout of maybe 30 to 40 spaces total which are in CONSTANT violation by motorists with Internal Combustion vehicles.
    The signage warning of towing offenders is present yet there doesn't seem to be any enforcement taking place.
    This needs to cease. These spaces are highly visible from Rogers St, almost directly across from Cape Ann Savings.
    All it takes is the due diligence of looking at the southern entrance of the lot to see the violations occurring. I have been trying to charge at this site for almost 2 weeks and TODAY is the first time there has not been a violator parked in each of the spaces.
    I would also like to point out in fairness to the violators, that the signs should lowered about a foot to bring them closer to eye level, so that at least unintentional violators could easily see the signs, and in turn, do the right thing.
  • 12-32 Warren Street Gloucester, Massachusetts - Gloucester
    All too frequently, I arrive at EV Charging Stations at City Hall to find SUVs and other internal combustion vehicles parked in the 2 "EV Only" spaces directly in front of the building. Typically, when I do actually encounter them, I mention it in as helpful a way as I can, figuring its an honest mistake. I am no longer convinced that's very often the case. Most become confrontational, and make some assertion that it's no big deal when there is no one parked there. With 4, count am, FOUR spaces providing charging services exist in their entirety across Cape Ann, I can assure everyone, ITS A BIG DEAL.
    But for the edification of those who indicate they couldn't tell, I will say that the "EV Only Parking" sign is positioned rather high, and the yellow posts that protect the charging pedestal could sport lettering stating "EV Parking Only" (I would add "This Means You Fred & Wima Flintstone", but that's just me).
    I think that it also might be helpful if a memo was sent to GPD recommending they, for the time being, make it a rule to make note as to whether a potential violation exists on those occasions that they find themselves on Warren Street. They have been very understanding of the problem, and ticket (and occasionally tow) vehicles in violation.
    In closing though, I think signage is key to solving this problem. It may be as simple as having the person charged with resolving the issue actually sitting in a vehicle and observing the signage issues.