
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Six Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also car parts, house fan.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Large steel gate, roughly 8X6 feet. Location is near yellow gate on skyline frontage road, leaning against trees on west side of road.
  • 15745 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Concrete debris, 3 bags and one bin.
  • 15725 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Several black garbage bags of personal belongings, BBQ
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    3 black garbage bags, contents unknown. One Tire. This is at yellow gate, north end of Skyline Frontage Rd.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    5 Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also cardboard, plastic, car parts, large plastic bin, scrap wood.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Two Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also short steel beam scraps.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Three Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also a car hood and car interior parts.
  • 15735 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Pile of asphalt chunks in torn bag.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    large pile of discarded lumber. This is located at the yellow gate and the north end of Skyline Frontage Rd.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Three Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also some beer boxes.
  • 15435 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Sequoyah
    50 lb bag of dried corn. This is on Skyline Frontage Rd, at the end of the chainlink fence, beside a large rock.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Three Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also cardboard, a push broom, a length of PVC pipe, a plastic bin.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Three adopt-a-spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also some flattened cardboard and a baking pan. Two of the bags were previously reported as probably containing dead animal or person. Heavy, stinky, countless flies. Prior service request was closed but the bag are still there, sr#1343662
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park

    Two Waste Management grey bins abandoned at the yellow gate, located at the north end of Skyline Frontage Rd. This is near the south end of Skyline Blvd, .3 miles North of Grass Valley Dr.

    First reported 9/21, SR#1338142. Not addressed yet.

    These are collecting garbage, including dead animal remains.

  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Urgent, unknown stinking, rotting material in two black garbage bags. Dead animals, probably.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Six Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd.
  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    One Adopt-a-Spot bag of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Also cardboard, car parts, license plates. Also 3 Waste Management Recycle/green waste bins.
  • 1 Frank H Ogawa Plz Oakland, CA, 94612, USA - Downtown

    Service Request ID: 1330535
    Issued 8/29/23, "Closed" 8/30/23
    Oddly, the bags of trash are still there today, 9/8/23.

    The problem is that the 8/30 report that the issue had "been addressed" was false. Prompt, but false.

    As for picking up the bags, today I reported again, and SR 1333850 has been issued.

  • 15703 Skyline Blvd Oakland, California, 94605 - Chabot Park
    Total of 9 Adopt-a-Spot bags of litter collected along Skyline Frontage Rd. Bags include some reported 11 days ago but not yet picked up. Also cardboard, wallboard, TV, curtain rods. A second heap about 20 yards south includes a small full trash can and a board. Second photo will be added as a comment.