
  • Hunt St Quincy, MA 02171, USA - Quincy
    Can someone from the traffic dept. take action on the lights at the intersection of Hunt St and Hancock St at the North Quincy T stop? The lights have been blinking red and yellow for 3 days straight now. Drivers on Hancock are seemingly unable to adhere to the 20mph restrictio when lights are flashing yellow or understand that they need to yield to pedestrians when the yellow flashes. Incredibly dangerous considering the volume of students and commuters that cross this intersection.
  • 142 Newbury Ave Quincy, MA 02171, USA - Quincy
    Sign near North Quincy high (East Squantum side) was knocked over by careening vehicle. Sign still sits near the sidewalk while the sign post stub juts out of the sidewalk and is extremely sharp and presents serious safety hazard.
  • Dumpster Issues Acknowledged
    189-259 Hancock St Quincy MA 02171 - Quincy

    The bus stop section of the North Quincy Red Line stop on the Hancock St side is absolutely filthy. This is a high-volume foot traffic area with numerous condo, corporate shuttles and casino and NYC-bound buses. However this are zero trash recepticles so people just toss their trash on the ground.

    The litter isnt just an eyesore, but the other night I saw a rodent/seagull horde that could was like a scene from a horror movie. Whether the onus is on the MBTA, the city of Quincy or the private companies operating buses there, this area needs trash cans and regular cleanup since its absolutely a hygiene issue and frankly, a biohazard.

  • Snow Plowing Acknowledged
    340 Hancock Street Quincy, Massachusetts - Quincy
    Sidewalk at intersection of Hancock St. and Hollis Ave., next to the Knights of Columbus not shoveled or the snow was plowed off the lot and pushed onto the sidewalk. It has turned into slippery packed ice. Witnessed a woman have to veer around the ice and pushing her baby stroller on Hancock St. with lots of fast moving cars. Very precarious area in the afternoons when there's both a high volume of foot traffic and vehicles.
  • 135-143 Newbury Avenue Quincy, Massachusetts - Quincy
    The street sign for Newbury Ave. at the intersection of Newbury Ave. and Squantum St. has fallen over. It appears that it was knocked over by a vehicle. Currently it is on the sidewalk and the exposed sign post base looks very dangerous given the icy, slippery conditions out there.
  • Hunt St Quincy, MA - Quincy