
  • Parking Acknowledged
    1–21 West Presumpscot St W Portland ME 04103, United States - Portland
    The photo above is taken from west Presumpscot looking towards Washington. The entrance to this street needs to have no parking signs from the intersection, to the driveways, or there needs to be parking enforcement. The areas closest to the intersection are persistently used for parking which makes the street wide enough for only single vehicle traffic. If you're sitting at the light, with parking on either side, the street is clogged, turning traffic cannot enter, and Washington Ave turns into a dangerous CF. Thanks !
  • Lawn Damage Archived
    55 Randall St Portland 04103, United States - Portland
    Seaside Rehab’s lawn care company is dumping their clippings in the utility corridor between Front St and Baxter Blvd. this is the second time I’ve seen them do it. The first time is still sitting there decomposing. I believe this is city property, right? Thought y’all should know.
  • 39 Front St Portland, ME 04103, USA - Portland
    This housing development is in desperate need of property maintenance. Why has it been so long since this grass has been cut? This is ridiculous. The ball fields at Payson and Deering look great, but the low income housing is left to look abandoned? Wtf?
  • Corner Of Front And Randall Streets Portland, Maine - Portland
    This intersection needs to be a four way stop. Currently only two of the directions are stop signs: the Front St intersections. Traffic from Washington Ave speeds down Randall and flies around the corner onto Front St to jump the Washington Ave light. In the summer time, children in this neighborhood like to play in the street. They do not obey the stop signs. In order to prevent a child from being killed, please make this intersection into a four way stop.