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No bike lane Mở

Riverside Drive Towards Woodfin Buncombe County, NC Hiển thị trên Bản đồ Ẩn Bản đồ
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I am hoping someone could talk to me about bike/car traffic on Riverside Drive headed towards Old Leicester Hwy. I drive this road multiple times every day and I have seen SO MANY (seriously, so many) instances of bicyclists and cars nearly colliding. Heavy bike traffic with no lane (or shoulder) is extremely dangerous due to the winding road causing blind spots for everyone. Yesterday there was almost a head on collision as a car tried to pass a cyclist around a curve. It was terrifying to watch. With all that space by the railroad track and such heavy bike traffic, can there be a lane??

Vấn đề Lân cận

  • Jeff Fobes (Khách)

  • Herefortheview (Khách)

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