John Karavas

  • 57 Stewart St New Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East Shore
    No trash pick up today?
  • 57 Stewart St New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Recycling never collected in Cove area - Stewart St.
  • 57 Stewart St New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Recycling picked up but to trash on our 2 block street was picked up. Bins full - 57 Stewart St (Cove) and more.
  • Annex/Cove Area New Haven, Connecticut - Annex
    Over the last few weeks I have witnesses speeding and reckless driving incidents by several autos heading in the direction to and from Lighthouse Park. This includes resisting to yield for those walking.
  • SNOW RELATED Archived
    Stewart St New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Over the last two years I have noticed that drivers plowing our street leave an uncleared path on each side of the street of approximately 3 ft width from the curb. This causes a loss of 6 ft of driving space for all vehicles, including school buses and emergency vehicles. Also creates an unnecessary burden to clear fire hydrants. I would appreciate if if this practice would stop and the entire street be cleared.
  • 881 Townsend Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Annex
    I remember when sidewalks were for pedestrians and the wheelchair bound. When did that change - see picture of west side of corner of Townsend Ave and Upson Terr.