Coatesville PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 221 Problèmes Clos: 259 Problèmes Pris en compte: 12
  • 361 East Chestnut St Coatesville, PA - Coatesville
    large chunks of concrete and steel rebar left on side walk were work was done 3 months ago !!!! big danger at night and if we get snow !!! please help our block code enforcement,
    thank you
  • 151 Harmony St. Coatesville, Pennsylvania - Coatesville
    The building next door to 151 E. Harmony St. Had a major leak and now it smells like mold.
  • 801-899 Lemon St Coatesville, Pennsylvania - Coatesville
    Over the winter the roof on a burned-out garage on a rental property has started to collapse/buckle. Afraid of eventual total collapse into Lemon St.
  • 808 Lumber Street Coatesville, Pennsylvania - Coatesville
    Kids on Nth 8th Ave have placed a basketball net close to the corner of 8th and Lumber. At first it was in front of my house and I asked them to remove it. It is a safety hazard because of the traffic that comes on the street. Also, there are at times over 10 children trying to play basketball in that spot, in the street. I have called the codes office a couple of times and no one has tried to contact me or even check out the situation. This net belongs in a park. As warm weather approaches, besides the trash that I have to pick up everyday, it becomes very noisy. Last week the ambulance knocked it over trying to get to an emergency situation down the street. The kids put it in my yard and I had to go across the street and ask them to move it. If one of the kids break a window no one is going to pay for it and besides that they are on private property playing basketball. Please check. Photos of the net is attached.